Committees & Interest Groups

Committees & Interest Groups



The committees will be appointed by the board from nominees that will be solicited each spring. The Board will also appoint the chair of the Conference Planning committee. The Immediate Past President serves as the chair of the Nominating committee. The chair for the Advocacy, Communications & Marketing, and Membership committees are elected by the membership each spring. Committee membership will be broadly representative of the MiALA constituencies. The Board will fill any vacancies that occur.


Communications and Marketing

Conference Planning

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (IDEA)




Click on any of the above committees for more information.

If you are interested in serving on any of the above committees, click here to fill out the committee volunteer interest form.

Interest Groups

Interest Groups (IG) will be the heart of the association. They will be created by association members for other association members and can only come about when a group of members shows enough interest and enthusiasm to form an IG. These could be short-term or long-term groups. They could form to address an issue or hot-topic that is of interest for a specified amount of time. An IG could also be long-term and exist for several years, kept lively & vital by continued interest on the part of association members. An IG may also dissolve if activity ceases.

Interest Groups will form by submitting an application to the Interest Group Coordination Council (IGCC). The application will certify that at least five association members are interested in the topic. It will have a contact person, a statement of purpose, an annual plan (if the IG is going to exist for more than a year), and a list of initial membership. Upon receipt of the application, the IGCC will review the application for these elements and if present, the IG will be established. It will be listed here among active IG's, along with contact information for those who wish to become part of it.

The IG will be responsible for submitting minutes or reports of meetings to the IGCC, which should forward them for publication on the website. If the IG shows no sign of activity for two years, it will automatically cease to exist and be removed from the list of active IGs.

Although there is no expectation that an IG will create a proposal for the annual conference, host a meeting/get-together at the annual conference, or sponsor a workshop, members are encouraged to consider those possible activities as effective vehicles for sharing expertise and providing leadership opportunities. An IG could form simply as a way for association members to converse with each other about their specialties.

New Interest Group Application Form

Click on any of the Interest Groups listed below for more information.

List of active interest groups

Archives & Special Collections
Cataloging and Metadata
Critical Librarianship
Distance and Online Learning
Fine Arts
Health Sciences
Higher Education for Incarcerated Students
Instruction and Information Literacy
Librarian Scholarly and Creative Activity
Michigan Alma
Michigan Community College Libraries
Mid-Level Leadership
Open Educational Resources

List of past Interest Groups

(if you are interested in reactivating one of the following IGs, contact with your interest to receive more information)
  • Access Services
  • Collection Analysis & Assessment
  • Community Engagement
  • Education & Curriculum
  • Library Vendor Relations
  • Preservation and Conservation
  • Residency
  • Resource Sharing
  • Shared Print Collaboration
  • STEM
  • Technical Services

Interest Group Coordination Council

Oversight and coordination of IGs will be provided by the Interest Group Coordination Council (IGCC). The IGCC is comprised of a minimum of five members: four representatives serving two-year terms and one member-at-large serving a one-year term. The number of members-at-large will be determined by the number of active IGs on January 1 of the election year. There will be roughly one member of the IGCC for every three IGs. For example, with 15 IGs, there will be four representatives and one member-at-large. With 18 IGs, there will be four representatives and two members-at-large. IGCC seats are open to any IG member. Starting in 2020-2021, each year, two representatives and a minimum of one member-at-large will be on the ballot. The Nominations/Elections Committee is charged with soliciting nominations for representatives performing a wide variety of jobs at different types of institutions and should consider representations from a wide variety of self-defined library roles including public services, technical services, IT, and archives.  

IGCC for 2024-2025

Mariela Hristova (Chair)
Oakland University (second of two year term)

Jonathan Scherger (Vice Chair)
Western Michigan University (second of two year term)

Raya Samet ( Member at Large)
University of Michigan - Dearborn (one year term)

Katie Edmiston (IGCC Secretary)
Central Michigan University (first of two year term)

Michael Bradford
Wayne State University (first of two year term)