2023 AC Breakout Session Descriptions

2023 Annual Conference Program Information

Breakout Schedule at-a Glance is available here.

Bracing for the Wave: The Rising Tide of Advanced Reviews and Evidence Syntheses in the Social Sciences

There has been a marked increase in the number of evidence syntheses published in the social sciences in the last few years. These systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and meta-syntheses pose interesting challenges for social science librarians wanting to provide support to researchers. This session will cover some of the basic differences between types of evidence syntheses as well as tips and tricks for librarians liaising with social sciences discipline.
Presenter: Carin Graves, Michigan State University
Session Type: Full Presentation 
Topic Tags: Library Liaisons Work, Research Services (including in-person or virtual reference)

Building a Safety Net: Creating a Laptop Loan Checkout Partnership for Student Success

The Libraries partnered with multiple groups on campus, including the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education (APUE) office, IT, and the Enhanced Digital Learning Initiative (EDLI) to develop a laptop loan program. While these programs are not uncommon, the intended population for this program was unique, designed to serve students who were most at risk for leaving school or dropping out due to financial difficulties arising from inadequate access to needed resources.
Presenters: Jessica Sender, Michigan State University
Kati Shedd, Michigan State University
Stephen Thomas, Michigan State University
Session Type: Mini-presentation
Topic Tags: Access Services, Outreach, Technology

Connected Library Instruction: Functioning as a Mainstay in the Waves of Uncertainty

This presentation will give an overview of the theory of Connected Teaching, as well as the research on the application of Connected Teaching and relational approaches to librarianship. The five elements of connected teaching will be presented: energy, knowledge, sense of worth, action, and desire for more learning. Practical applications of these five elements will be discussed, including ways to incorporate them in one-shot instruction sessions and individual research consultations. 
Presenter: Laura Sheets, Bowling Green State University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Education and Curriculum, Instruction and Information Literacy

Cross-Department Collaboration in “the New Normal”

With an increase in virtual and hybrid work, collaborative projects have taken on a new form. At the [Institution library], our three primary departments team up to tackle a variety of projects, including student instructional events, electronic resource workflows, and physical collection maintenance. We will discuss our growing pains and learning experiences while navigating new procedures and balancing project priorities.
Presenters: Heidi Keppen Palmer, University of Michigan
Marwah Ayache, University of Michigan
Chris Spilker, University of Michigan
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Leadership, Hybrid Work, Internal Collaboration

Dashing through the Data: Creating a Dashboard to Measure Activities and Services

This session will walk through the decision-making process used to select tools and data sources, identify data to be collected and tracked, select a tool for aggregating and displaying data, and displaying data to be shared with internal and external stakeholders in library public service operations. The goal is to present multiple options considered along the way, rather than focusing solely on a specific end product.
Presenter: Rob O'Brien Withers
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Access Services, Assessment and Evaluation, Outreach

DEI Collection Audits Two Ways: Finding the Gaps and Assessing Methodology

There’s rich scholarship analyzing how libraries can collect diverse voices to bring representation into the collection.  A task force at an academic library used two methodologies to conduct audits of the collection by analyzing the self-identification of creators in recently published books on the subject of American Indians and by comparing holdings to a bibliography of DEI-related book award winners. Researchers will discuss challenges, analyze results, and recommend best practices.
Presenters: LuMarie Guth, Western Michigan University
Carrie Leatherman, Western Michigan University

Session Type: Full Presentation 
Topic Tags: Assessment and Evaluation, Collections, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Finding Balance in Job Flexibility: Views from Michigan Community Colleges

Flexible work practices have been around for decades, but not until the COVID Pandemic was the issue brought to the forefront in academic librarians. The argument of work-life-balance and job flexibility is well discussed in the literature as a benefit to both employer and employee. This panel discussion focuses on Michigan community college librarians work-life-balance and job flexibility as an outcome of the Pandemic by sharing personal narratives and survey results.
Presenters: Molly Ledermann, Washtenaw Community College
Sandy McCarthy, Washtenaw Community College
Session Type: Panel Discussion
Topic Tags: Community College Libraries, workplace practices, work-life balance, job flexibility

Going Digital with Alma-D

Going Digital with Alma-D shares the experience of a small academic library pursuing its first digital collection. The presentation will share the configurations and workflows used to deploy the platform to our staff, faculty, and students. The presentation will cover our approach to access rights and controlled digital lending. Followed by an honest review of the first semester utilizing our digital collection with some tips for what works and what we would improve.  
Presenter: Lynne Lambdin, Northern Michigan University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Accessibility, Collections, Technology

How Much Do Faculty Think Students Should Pay for Course Materials? Understanding faculty cost tolerance and selection authority

Campus OER initiatives promote the adoption of open educational materials but first there needs to be an understanding of campus practices, policies, and norms that may impact or even obstruct the adoption of new course materials.  This presentation reports on the findings of a study that investigated the types of course materials instructors assign, instructors’ perception of an acceptable cost for these materials, their selection authority and instructors’ knowledge and use of OER.
Presenter: Julia E. Rodriguez, Oakland University
Session Type: Full Presentation 
Topic Tags: Critical Librarianship, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Open Educational Resources

How to Grow as an IDEA Leader at Your Institution

This panel will bring together library professionals who are doing IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility) work in their institutions. Whether serving on an IDEA committee, in a formal position that involves IDEA, or working independently, panelists will share their journeys with IDEA and describe the efforts they are involved in at their institutions. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with a network where they can share IDEA efforts and techniques across institutions. 
Presenters: Denise Leyton, University of Michigan
Samantha Minnis, Grand Rapids Community College

Session Type: Panel Discussion
Topic Tags: Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership

“I have never been ‘taught’ how to do it. Just told to do it”: Teaching Critical Visual Literacy through Library instruction

Two librarian-educators will introduce participants to concepts and skills of visual literacy and critical visual literacy, as well as share research findings about education students’ critical visual literacy ability. By incorporating critical visual literacy in library instruction, librarians can engage students in conversations around sociocultural contexts and power dynamics as they are visually represented. This gives students a space to reflect on their role as critical consumers of information in a polarized society.  
Presenters: Caitlin Stewart
Heather Koopmans

Session Type: Full Presentation  
Topic Tags: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Education and Curriculum, Instruction and Information Literacy

Influencers and #infolit: Critical library instruction through a lens of social media and popular culture

This workshop will focus on the intersection of social media influencers, reality television, and information literacy instruction and how to use these sources to critically engage with students in the library classroom and online modules. Workshop activities will guide participants to incorporate these sources into their instruction while interrogating traditional concepts of authority and credibility and using social media and popular culture sources through a social justice lens.
Presenters: Jesus Espinoza, University of Michigan
Naomi Binnie, University of Michigan
Session Type: Mini-Workshop
Topic Tags: Instruction and Information Literacy

Inside Library Instruction Sessions: Stories from Emergent Strategy in Practice

This session will describe adrienne maree brown’s feminist and afrofuturist movement called Emergent Strategy and its nine core concepts. The presentation will rely on storytelling to illustrate the ways emergent concepts can be embraced in library sessions. Those who wish to incorporate the core concepts into their own library teaching will obtain concrete methods for doing so as well as gain awareness of examples of Emergent Strategy already existing in their practice.
Presenter: Leah Morin, Michigan State University
Session Type: Full Presentation 
Topic Tags: Critical Librarianship, Instruction and Information Literacy

Logos, Ethos, Pathos: Using the Rhetorical Triangle for Outreach and Engagement (Handout)

When conducting outreach to busy and overwhelmed faculty, it is more important than ever to communicate our value as librarians in an engaging and persuasive manner. This workshop will demonstrate one librarian’s use of Aristotle’s Rhetorical Triangle to craft outreach messages to faculty and teach others how to do the same. Participants will have the opportunity to create their own outreach messages based on their unique audience and services offered.
Presenter: Katie Edmiston, Central Michigan University
Session Type: Mini-Workshop
Topic Tag: Outreach

Managing eResource Expectations in an Age of Uncertainty

While our reliance on external vendors increases, how can we ensure the content we purchase or license remains available? Beyond academia, what happens when platforms like Microsoft's ebooks completely disappear? Beyond textual content, how can we support the increased interest in streaming video and its subsequent explosion in platforms? There's certainly more questions than answers! So, please join us in a moderated group discussion on how to manage library and patron eresource expectations. 
Presenter: Dejah Rubel, Ferris State University
Session Type: Moderated Group Discussion
Topic Tags: Access Services, Collections, Electronic Resources


Put Wikidata In Your Toolbox

Linked data concepts and technologies can feel intimidating. Wikidata is a linked open data project that is free to edit and is a low-barrier way to explore and create linked open data. Wikidata serves as a knowledge-base for other Wikimedia Foundation projects and has a vibrant, international community of editors who collaboratively edit and improve the data, platform, and tools. Getting started is easy when you begin small, but potential uses are vast.
Presenter: Marianne Swierenga, Western Michigan University
Session Type: Mini-presentation
Topic Tags: Assessment and Evaluation, Collections, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Research Machine: A Value-Added Assessment Tool to Customize Your Instruction

Every group of students has a diverse range of learning styles and research experience. In order to provide a balanced level of instruction, this visualization activity communicates each student’s current research process so library instructors can target areas that need a more mindful plan to perform university-level research. Coupled with group discussion and an opportunity to reassess their work, the Research Machine empowers students and can be used as a value-added assessment.
Presenter: Dylan Juhl, Western Michigan University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Assessment and Evaluation, Instruction and Information Literacy

Sailing the Storm: Transitioning Resource Sharing Services in Turbulent Times

ILL, interlibrary loan, is an important service to any academic library, but what does that mean? The Library staff noticed that patrons, especially those new to libraries, often have a misconception of what the term ILL encompasses. Over the last year, the staff strove to change that by rebranding the service as Materials on Demand. The staff encountered many waves along the way, while the library transitioned consortium, buildings, and library systems.
Presenters: Amy Klebba, Kettering University
Courtney Cooney, Kettering University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Resource Sharing, Technology, User Experience

So you want to be an Interest Group leader? Learn what it takes from a panel of past and current IG leaders.

Anybody can be an interest group chair and it’s a great way to start getting involved in MiALA. This panel discussion features previous IG chairs or co-chairs talking about their experiences running an IG, including what types of activities they organized, how they encouraged participation among the IG members, and how MiALA funding was helpful.
Presenters: Edward Eckel, Western Michigan University
Molly Ledermann, Washtenaw Community College
Session Type: Panel Discussion
Topic Tags: Budgets, Leadership, Outreach

The Future Is Virtual: Providing VR Experiences that Enhance Academic Learning

Many of us are curious about VR and would like to provide such services but have no idea where to start. Fortunately, some libraries are blazing the trail! In this session, an emerging technology specialist and an instructional technologist from two different universities will provide an experiential overview on integrating VR hardware and software into a university environment. The panelists will also address concerns about the technology, and its potential for educational research.
Presenters: Dejah Rubel, Ferris State University
Alex Teal, Western Michigan University
Andrew Peterson, Ferris State University
Session Type: Panel Discussion
Topic Tags: Access Services, Education and Curriculum, Technology

Using Paradox Theory to Understand Uncertainty During Organizational Change

Paradox exists in all systems and organizations, and often our first inclination as leaders is to "fix" those tensions and move on. Do we focus on personal preference or public good? Do we honor transparency or privacy? Do we reward independence or collaboration? The presenter, an experienced library administrator and doctoral student of paradox theory, will lead an exploration and discussion about evidence-grounded approaches to managing paradox and avoiding polarity in changing organizations.
Presenter: Mary O'Kelly, Western Michigan University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Leadership, Strategic Planning

UX singularity: making a usable, accessible and inclusive website

The User Experience team at the MSU Libraries would like to take this opportunity to raise the curtain on some of our processes, practices, tools, our triumphs, and lessons learned in our two year journey. We will be discussing Agile methodology and Scrum framework for software development, strides we made to ensure that our digital presence is usable, accessible, and inclusive. 
Presenters: Joshua Sanchez, Michigan State University
Sruthin Gaddam, Michigan State University
Kevin Finkenbinder, Michigan State University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Accessibility, User Experience, Web Development and Design

Weathering disruption through consistency: Reproducible methods from a ten-year study of student retention

The recently published study of the correlation between student retention and course-integrated library instruction uses a unique methodology prioritizing student privacy while also generating reproducible, consistent results over time. The study authors will present the methodology and ten years of results, including examples from two successful replications out-of-state. A discussion following the presentation will invite replication at other institutions and exploration of how to adapt the methodology for different library services.
Presenters: Mary O'Kelly, Western Michigan University
Maya Hobscheid, Grand Valley State University
Jon Jeffryes, Grand Valley State University
Session Type: Full Presentation
Topic Tags: Assessment and Evaluation, Instruction and Information Literacy, Library Liaisons Work

What’s in a Number: How are Starting Salaries Set?

Salaries are such a taboo topic. How do employers advocate for and set starting salaries? Join fellow library employees at academic libraries to discuss how starting salaries are set. Presenters will lead small group discussions in which we will share and discuss salary information so we can be better informed when advocating for setting competitive and liveable salaries for job postings and promotions.
Presenters: Ashley Rosener, Grand Valley State University
Emily Frigo, Grand Valley State University
Jason Durham, Grand Valley State University
Session Type: Moderated Group Discussion
Topic Tags: Assessment and Evaluation, Budgets, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Who Does Customer Service Serve? Exploring Structural Inequities in Customer Service Delivery

Libraries want to provide amazing customer service to users. But what if patrons’ expectations for “good customer service” actually center whiteness, ableism, and cultural nuances? Who does this prevent us from hiring, and whose needs are overlooked in our campus communities? Join two student supervisors to question assumptions about what makes customer service good, reflect on training and practices, and discuss ways to support service delivery that cares for both frontline staff and library users.
Presenters: Cara Medvedenko. Grand Valley State University
Damian Martinez
Session Type: Full Presentation 
Topic Tags: 
Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, User Experience