Monday | | | | | |
10:00 - 11:00 am Keynote Address | | | | | |
| Seminar D | Seminar E | Seminar F | Seminar G | Classroom C 223 |
11:15 am - 12:00 pm | Understanding the value of the librarian in digital scholarship: beyond tools and tutorials Kudzia, Peterson, Mapes Full Presentation | The (In)Credible Library Ambassador: Harnessing the Power of Students as Advocates Sachs, Brown, Smigiel Full Presentation | That Textbook Costs How Much?!?! Implementing an Affordable Textbook Program at the Michigan State University Libraries Schroeder Mini-Presentation
Case Studies in Decolonizing Collection Development McLaughlin Mini-Presentation | Towards High-Empathy Hiring: Implementing Leading Practices for More Inclusive Recruitment Beaubien, Bélanger, Ayotte Full Presentation | Inclusive Spaces: Reflecting Our Community's Value Dean, Armstrong, Keyzer, Shorter Panel Presentation |
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch | | | | | |
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1:00 - 1:45 pm | Our People Matter Most: Emergency Planning at Central Michigan University Libraries Standish, Powers Full Presentation | The Value of Collaboration: Crossing Departmental Boundaries to Create Sustainable Learning Objects Hobscheid Full Presentation | A La Carte, A La Canvas: Serving the library to students through a menu of Canvas tools Binnie, Perpich, Deeke Mini-Presentation
Communicating the Value of Liaison Work: A Discussion Group for New Liaison Librarians Webster, Haynes Mini-Presentation | Start presenting your own digital privacy workshops Enos Full Presentation | The Library as Research Lab Yakel, Bradley, Severyn, McFadden-Keesling Panel Presentation |
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2:00 - 2:45 pm | Communicating for Project Management Success: Pro-tips from Accidental Project Managers Bélanger, Gorecki, Espinoza Full Presentation | Student Success "Outside-the-Box" Iversen, Taylor, Bielat, Wisotsky, Full Presentation | Telling Our Story: Creating a Departmental Annual Report Mathuews, Koga Mini-Presentation
Failing Forward: A journey on the path to Digital Signage Success Sanchez Mini-Presentation | You're on Track: Electronically Consolidated Shipment Tracking and Its Impact on ILS Workflows Callies Full Presentation CANCELED | Sharing Our Value through Critical Librarianship Ponischil, Thomas, Kickham-Samy, Neds-Fox Panel Presentation |
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3:00 - 3:45 pm | The Art of Questioning: Using Powerful Questions and Appreciative Inquiry Conversations to Understand Values and Needs Bélanger, Gorecki Full Presentation | It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...Critical Librarianship!: Comics and Exhibits for Critical Library Pedagogy Natal Full Presentation | Celebrating University Milestones: Special Collections Programming to Document Campus Cultural and Historical Changes Krolikowski, Buboltz, Clark, Greenlee Full Presentation | Promoting Libraries as Partners in Scholarly Publishing: A Needs Assessment of Faculty Knowledge & Attitudes Regarding Predatory Journals Thielen, Swanberg, Bulgarelli Full Presentation | Promoting the Value of OER through the Michigan OER Network; Visualizing Access, Equity, and Customization for All Michigan Students Motz, Clark, Edwards, Gong, Kumar, Mapes Panel Presentation |
3:45 - 5:00 pm Posters | | | | | |
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Tuesday | | | | | |
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10:00 - 10:45 am | Using Pop Culture to Add Value to Your Leadership Toolkit Jeffryes Full Presentation | Making Collections More Visible with Zooniverse Hovinga Full Presentation | Collaborative Collection Strategies in Budget Tightening and Resource Sharing Environments Levenson, Mason, Buckley, Hawthorne Facilitated Discussion | Unleash the Tech: Implementing Large Scale Technology Projects in the Library Tickner, O'Neill Full Presentation | Whose question is it? Four perspectives on the referral process between service desk staff and liaison librarians Scherger, Behr, Memmott, Minkin, Sorscher, Weller Panel Presentation |
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11:00 - 11:45 am | The Path Traveled: The Progress of a STEM Institution to Increase ADA Understanding and Compliance Olmsted Swanson Full Presentation | I am Oz the great and powerful: elevator pitches to pull back the curtain on the value of Technical Services Ponischil, Johns, Lewis Facilitated Discussion | E-learning Ourselves and E-leading Others: Bringing structure and sustainability to the online library instruction environment Binnie, Deeke Full Presentation | Editorial Authority is a Moving Target: Algorithmic Ads, Consumer Health, and Information Literacy Kraus-Friedberg Full Presentation | Community College Lightning Talks: Communicating & Promoting Library Value Fiero, Johnson-Bignotti, Bernsten, Ulrich, McCarthy, Lake, Davis Panel Presentation |
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12:00 - 1:30 pm Lunch | | | | | |
2:00 - 5:00 pm Post Conference Workshop | | | | | |