October 2018 Newsletter

Primary resources in teaching and learning - October 28

MSU Libraries Green Room, East Lansing Michigan from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Jointly hosted and presented by the Michigan Archival Association (MAA) and the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA)
Thinking about developing outreach programs to students on your campus? Not sure where to start? Looking for new ways to integrate primary sources into your instruction sessions? This workshop focuses on integrating and using primary sources in classroom assignments, information literacy sessions, archival tours, learning labs, and more!
Archivists, special collections librarians, and teaching faculty from three Michigan institutions will speak on their experiences and provide hands-on demonstrations to give you the skills you need to do this at home. Some topics covered will include:
  • Archives and Primary Resource Education Lab @ the Reuther Library - including teaching graduate students to bring primary sources into the K-12 classroom
  • Creating interesting, informative, and interactive lesson plans with limited time and budgets
  • Collaborating archivists, librarians, and faculty to create relevant and innovative assignments using primary sources from the archives
  • Presenting a hands-on session covering the first three learning objectives in Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
Cost: MiALA and/or MAA Members - $15.00 ; non-MiALA/MAA members - $45.00
For the latest information on this program and/or to register, go to the MAA/MiALA event page.

Welcome New Members!

Washtenaw Community College- Bailey Library
Bethany Kennedy

Kalamazoo College
Hillary Berry

Wayne State University Student
Katherine Alphenaar

Grand Valley State University
Maya Hobscheid

Private Archive and Oakland Community College
Peter Kalinski

Kellogg Community College
Michele Reid

Michigan State University Libraries
Sarah Mainville

Wayne State University
Rachel Beatty

Events Coming Up in October

Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Conference
10/05/2018- 10/08/2018
You are invited to attend the 2018 Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Conference on October 5-8, 2018, in Cleveland, Ohio!

Conference Planning Committee Meeting
9:00 - 10:00 am

Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association Conference
10/11/2018- 10/12/2018
Park Place Hotel, Traverse City, MI
Enjoy dynamic keynote speaker Mary Ellen Bates as she discusses the true return on investment for information professionals. Register for continuing education sessions (no additional fee!) on data visualization, strategies for searching the web, understanding medical concepts, and human subject research data. Discover new implementation ideas by participating in poster sessions and lightning rounds
Reach out to your favorite vendors to learn about emerging technologies and new services
Network with colleagues and foster new relationships

For more information and to register, go to: https://sites.google.com/view/mhsla-2018-conference/home

Deadline to Submit News for November Newsletter
Deadline to submit a news/event item for inclusion in the November Newsletter (news submission link here)

MiALA October Board Meeting
2:00 - 3:00 pm

Michigan Library Association Annual Conference
10/17/2018- 10/19/2018
Suburban Collection Showcase
Novi, MI

Primary resources in teaching and learning - MiALA/MAA joint fall workshop
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
MSU Libraries Green Room
366 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824
Jointly hosted and presented by the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA) and the Michigan Archival Association (MAA). 

MSU Libraries Green Room
October 26, 2018
8:30 am - 3:00 pm

For the latest updates on this event, go to: https://miala.org/maa_miala_fall_2018_workshop.php

ALAO Annual Conference
Nationwide Hotel & Conference Center, Columbus, OH
Information is located at: https://www.alaoweb.org/conferences/2018/about/

President's Message

Paul Gallagher

Headshot of Paul taken outside in nature. He is wearing a blue suit, a green tie, and glassesWelcome to the fall semester!  Every fall, I find myself reflecting on the nature of change.  The trees change colors, the temperature drops (well, maybe not so much this year) and our campuses fill with new and returning students.  For all of us in the academic world, this is a very exciting and busy time!

Many of us experience personal changes as well.  New duties, new roles, and in my case, a new job and home!  (I’m now the Associate Dean for Resources and Digital Strategies at Western Michigan University Libraries – Go Broncos!).  For those of you also undergoing professional and personal changes, I wish you the best during your journey– and hope that MiALA can be a place to find support and build new collaborations.

When I look at what is happening in MiALA, I am also excited to see the organization grow.  I look at the upcoming vote to change our bylaws and restructure our sections and interest groups, and see new ways to work together.  I see many new collaborations - and know of several more in the works - all of which will bring new opportunities to learn, grow, and collaborate.

The most important part of these changes is YOU.  During this time of change, it is a great time to get engaged! Let me relay three ways where YOU can help make a difference:

The “heart” of MiALA is our interest groups.  Our fifteen interest groups represent a broad array of academic library activities and provide a community for you to learn with a group of others who share your enthusiasm and interest. Are YOU a member of an interest group?  If so, do you see new opportunities where this group can help advance library practice, or are you willing to champion those efforts?  Do you have an idea for a new interest group?  MiALA can help! With everything from web conferencing software to well, money – I welcome you to join up and help MiALA grow.

In August MiALA’s elected leadership held its third annual Leadership Retreat – and there are many great initiatives in the works.  However, we need your help!  Not only for new projects, but also for committees, and other roles.  If you’re interested, please let us know at our volunteer form or email me at president@miala.org!

Finally, it’s membership renewal time!  The MiALA board has purposefully kept our membership at a very low individual rate of $40 a year, with discounted rates for students and retirees.  The last day to renew is September 30th – so now is great time to sign up for this year – and thank you for your continued support!

Member Spotlight

Rachel Minkin

Headshot of Rachel inside, with a lamp in the backround, and she is wearing a purple sweaterRachel Minkin
Head of Reference Services
Michigan State University Libraries

What are you currently reading?
I have two young children so this time of the year, I'm reading the 800 emails, flyers, updates, and assorted other news coming from their two schools. If I'm lucky, it comes in an electronic AND a print format for my reading pleasure! When I'm not fully immersed in the heady literature of second and fifth grade administrivia, I'm just not reading all that much. (Can I say that here?) One friend dumped a stack of Jodi Picoult on me; I'm not sure that's my vibe and I'd rather reread favorites like Jeff Vandermeer's Southern Reach trilogy.

What are your research interests?
Just since the end of August, I've been investigating work life balance (also called work life fit). There's tons out there on the topic and I'm just skimming the top right now. What does work life balance mean for public service librarians? Is this akin to what we see in other service industries? I'll let you know if I figure it out.

Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
Oh I do lots of things that aren't library related! I take piano lessons for starters! I'm not Sue's only adult student but I'm one of only two who regularly play in our recitals. Sure, those kids may play stupendously but I still tower over them. Most of them anyway.
I have a side gig too. I change from Librarian Rachel to HaMorah Rachel on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings as I teach the b'nei mitzvah class at Congregation Shaarey Zedek (East Lansing).

Last but not least, I'm inordinately fond of my houseplants and officeplants (yes, that should be one word, like houseplants) and ask them questions when I think no one's in ear shot. To keep them happy, I'm always watering, repotting, trimming, etc. Really just fussing over them.

What drew you to the library profession?
When I was in graduate school, I had a librarian named Anne who knew, literally, all the things there was to know on my topic. And, unlike my professors, she could help me find materials so that I could ALSO know all the things. She kept no secrets; there was no hidden knowledge. Anne would literally pull something off a shelf and say, "Start here."
So, I went off to do something completely unrelated to libraries. But in the back of my mind, I thought about Anne.. a lot. One day, I called her and said, "Anne, how do I get to be you?" 16 years later, here I am!

What do you value about MiALA?
I value our people! MiALA's value is more than conferences and webinars to me. I value the network it provides, a statewide professional web of advice and knowledge and the synergy that comes out of combining all of these library professionals in a myriad of ways. Plus, I have found some great friends through MiALA. I'd like to say hi to all of them out there!

Is there anything else that you would like to share/include in your member spotlight?? MiALA made my career what it is. Attending MiALA's birth and staying with MiALA through its adolescence has afforded me opportunity to learn some great skills and to meet amazing people from libraries across the state.

ALA Leadership Institute: Leading to the Future

Cynthia Simpson

LTU Librarian Cynthia Simpson attended ALA's Leadership Institute this August, outside of Chicago, IL. The Institute accepts 36 cohort members, runs for four days and is an intensive introduction to numerous leadership theories particularly applicable to libraries and an opportunity to evaluate personal leadership strengths and weaknesses. Collaborative learning in small and large groups and networking through discussion and assessment of mini case studies each participant prepared, created a neutral space in which to evaluate situations in participants' home libraries, offer support and brainstorm solutions.

Miguel Figueroa, from the ALA Center for the Future of Libraries, led a session on Innovation and the Future, to assist with identifying trends and evaluating their effectiveness for implementation in your library.

The institute was conducted by Maureen Sullivan, former ALA President and Kathryn Deiss, who is a library and leadership consultant.

This was a fantastic opportunity to evaluate my leadership style, strengths and areas for improvement, and I highly recommend applying. I'm am happy to share the three page bibliography and answer any questions. The nationwide, competitive application process begins this December, and more information can be found at http://www.ala.org/educationcareers/leadership.
MiALA Newsletter - October 2018 Newsletter