MAA MiALA Fall 2018 Workshop

Primary resources in teaching and learning

Friday, October 26, 2018

Location: Michigan State University Libraries, Green Room, East Lansing, Michigan

Jointly hosted and presented by the Michigan Archival Association (MAA) and the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA)

Thinking about developing outreach programs to students on your campus? Not sure where to start? Looking for new ways to integrate primary sources into your instruction sessions? This workshop focuses on integrating and using primary sources in classroom assignments, information literacy sessions, archival tours, learning labs, and more! Archivists, special collections librarians, and teaching faculty from three Michigan institutions will speak on their experiences and provide hands-on demonstrations to give you the skills you need to do this at home. Some topics covered will include:
  • Archives and Primary Resource Education Lab @ the Reuther Library - including teaching graduate students to bring primary sources into the K-12 classroom
  • Creating interesting, informative, and interactive lesson plans with limited time and budgets
  • Collaborating archivists, librarians, and faculty to create relevant and innovative assignments using primary sources from the archives
  • Presenting a hands-on session covering the first three learning objectives in Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy

8:00 - 8:30 am Registration/Networking/Coffee Time
8:30 - 9:25 am Developing successful low cost lessons and activities for students
9:30 - 10:25 am Archives and Primary Resource Education Lab at Wayne State University
10:25 - 10:45 am Break
10:45 - 11:40 am A model hands-on session covering the first three learning objectives in Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
11:45 am - 1:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:00 - 1:55 pm Tapping Into Student Passion: Innovative Assignment Creation with Faculty/Library/Archives Collaboration
2:00 - 2:30 pm Panel Discussion
2:30 - 3:00 pm  Wrap up

MiALA and/or MAA Members            $15.00
non-MiALA/MAA members                $45.00

Deadline to guarantee a spot at this event is Tuesday, October 23. Don't delay!!

Please note that parking is NOT included in the cost of registration. For parking lot information, please visit Persons with disabilities may request accommodations by calling Lisa Denison at 517-884-6454 one week before an event. For more information on visitor parking rates, go to:

Registration is at a very reduced cost for MiALA and MAA members!  For those unaffiliated with either organization, we encourage you to join one of our organizations and attend this conference.

To join MAA, please visit: MAA New Member Application
To join MiALA, please visit: MiALA New Member Application

To Register, go to the MiALA/MAA Fall Workshop Registration Form

Breakout Session Descriptions

Archives and Primary Resource Education Lab at Wayne State University
Meghan Courtney, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University
In recent years, the Reuther Library has expanded its efforts to reach undergraduates as a method for ensuring college preparedness and supporting strong retention rates. To this end, we’re kicking off our new Archives and Primary Resource Education Lab (APREL) to draw together existing work and study its impact on students and the University at large. 
APREL Objectives:
·      Train learners of all ages to understand and evaluate sources of information from unique and often disparate perspectives
·      Promote the use of primary sources on Wayne State’s campus, in regional K-12 schools, and online through educational tool development
·      Study the impacts of primary source education on student success for various constituent groups
·      Serve as a focal point for innovative primary source education, offering instruction, embedded archivist services, and curriculum development support

The creation of APREL also allows us to work with graduate students in new and exciting ways, including as collaborators who create educational content using archival materials. This presentation will introduce the concept of APREL, focusing in particular on our work with paid graduate interns who conduct research and assist us in building document sets for K-12 Document Based Inquiry lessons. 

A model hands-on session covering the first three learning objectives in Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
Ruth Ann Jones, Michigan State University Libraries, Special Collections
Many faculty scheduling an archives or special collections visit have the same request: for the librarian-archivist to show students collection material relevant to their course content and upcoming research assignment.

It’s always a good strategy to center a visit around holdings that relate to an upcoming assignment, because undergraduates are more motivated to engage with instruction when it responds to their immediate need. But a visit defined by a particular topic - an event, a geographic area, a period in history - can also be structured as an introduction to primary sources, a concept at the heart of historical research. In addition, this creates a natural opportunity for hands-on examination of individual documents and active learning.

The model session demonstrated here specifically addresses the first three learning objectives in the RBMS/SAA Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy. Under the rubric “Conceptualize,” these objectives are: to understand the difference between, and the interrelatedness of, primary and secondary sources; to “articulate what might serve as primary sources for a specific research project…”; and to use primary sources “to generate and refine research questions.”

At Michigan State, this model has been used successfully with undergraduates taking courses in history, the arts and humanities, and social sciences, as well as students in STEM disciplines who take a course on the history of science.

Developing successful low cost lessons and activities for students
Megan Badgley-Malone, Michigan State University Archives
Developing creative and interactive lessons does not have to be time intensive.  There are many free and low-cost lessons and activities developed by archivists, librarians, and educators available.  In my presentation, I will provide examples of hands-on activities I have used during instructional and other one-off sessions.  Additionally, I will provide examples of how faculty at Michigan State University have integrated primary sources into the curriculum. 

Tapping Into Student Passion:  Innovative Assignment Creation with Faculty/Library/Archives Collaboration
Melinda Isler, Kristy Motz, Melissa Smith, Ferris State University
Looking for a creative collaborative faculty-librarian assignment?  Tap into student passions with a persuasive paper about changes they want on campus!  Required:   scholarly sources and historical campus background.  Two English faculty, the University Archivist, and an Instruction Librarian will discuss how student energy, research, and archival materials create an assignment that really works. 

About the Speakers

Megan Badgley Malone is the Collections and Outreach Archivist at the Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections. Megan coordinates tours, teaches introduction to archives sessions, manages social media, answers reference inquiries, and arranges and describes archival collections. She has worked at the University Archives since July 2011. Megan earned a Master of Library and Information Science degree with a graduate certificate in Archival Administration from Wayne State University. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education and History from Saginaw Valley State University.

Meghan Courtney is the Outreach Archivist at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs at Wayne State University, where she coordinates archival instruction, educational tools, exhibits, events, tours, promotional materials, social media, and more. She previously served as AFSCME Archivist at the Reuther.

Melinda McMartin Isler has served as the University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian at Ferris State University since September 2002.  Her responsibilities include the collection, preservation and access to materials relating to Ferris State University, local history and other special collections.  Materials range from university histories and records to large objects.  She also coordinates records management for the university. 

Ruth Ann Jones is the Education and Outreach Librarian for MSU Libraries' Special Collections, which houses more than 500,000 cataloged items, plus archival collections, rare books, and ephemera. Special Collections provides instruction for hundreds of students each semester, in all academic fields, from the arts and humanities to the hard sciences.

As Library Instruction Coordinator at Ferris State University, Kristy Motz develops, promotes, and delivers library instruction sessions for a wide range of Ferris classes and serves as a resource for information literacy university-wide. She also assists in providing general and specialized reference. Kristy is the subject librarian to the School of Education and the Television and Digital Media Production program and works closely with the Development Programs unit on campus. In addition, you will find her behind the reference desk and instructing in many freshman-level classes. She holds an MSI from the University of Michigan School of Information.

Melissa Sara Smith is an Associate Professor of English at Ferris State University, where she serves as the Assistant Chair of the English, Literature, and World Languages department and as the faculty advisor for the Ferris State English Society. She teaches courses in children's, young adult, and women's literature, as well as courses in composition and writing.