MiALA board statement regarding COVID-19
Message from the Michigan Academic Library Association Board
Governor Whitmer released Executive Order 2020-9 which states that beginning on Monday, March 16 at 3pm, all Michigan libraries (public and academic) have been directed to close through March 30th. In addition, the American Library Association Executive Board (ALA) released a statement recommending closing all libraries to the public, while paying employees during this time of closure.
The Board Members of Michigan Academic Library Association wish all our members to stay safe during this time and exercise their best judgement in the midst of Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders and ALA’s recommendations. We are living in unprecedented times, and as we all know, each day, each minute, brings new information to light of this global health crisis. We must all do our part to help limit the spread of this virus. The Governor’s Executive Order does not prohibit an employee from entering, exiting, using or occupying the library in their professional capacity. It does however restrict the public from entering. Each library will need to make individual decisions about how to best protect their staff while offering remote or virtual services and setting up guidelines for what they can offer while the doors are closed to the public.
In order to best serve our members, we wish to remind everyone that our organization is not shut down, and if our Interest Groups or Committees wish to meet virtually, we will continue to offer those services. We can still offer virtual professional development opportunities, if you have an idea please do not hesitate to contact us.
Stay safe!
Member Spotlight
John Jeffryes
Jon Jeffryes
Head of Professional Programs
Grand Valley State University
MiALA Communications & Marketing Committee Chair
What are you currently reading?
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshanna Zuboff, The Outsider by Stephen King, and revisiting the Dick Francis horse racing mysteries which I loved growing up.
What are your research interests?
Popular literature and leadership, assessment
Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
Avid puzzler -- mostly jigsaws and crosswords. I've been doing the New York Times Crossword puzzle everyday for almost twenty years.
What drew you to the library profession?
I was passionate about academia about too curious about too many different areas to want to devote my research to a specific topic. I was studying abroad in London as an undergraduate and realized that I was hanging out in libraries a lot and had a revelation in a Pizza Hut that maybe that natural affinity could be turned into a career.
What do you value about MiALA?
Meeting such interesting and passionate librarians from across the state. All of the different professional development opportunities.
Is there anything else that you would like to share??
Want to give a shout out to Michelle Strasz who puts this newsletter together every month! Thank you Michelle!
Welcome New Members!
Hillsdale College Mossey Library
George Allen
Lansing Community College
Demetria Patrick
University of Michigan - Dearborn
Heidi Keppen
Charlotte Community Library
David Votta
President's Message
Beth Martin Hello MiALA members,
I am writing this from my patio enjoying an early April sunny day. I hope that you are all adjusting to our new situation, staying in place, as well as one can. I’ve been reading articles on the importance of routine and self-care during these times. The article that has stuck with me is an advice article from The Chronicle of Higher Education by Aisha S. Ahmad from March 27th. Here is a link to that article. I ask that you read it, as advice given, and take from it what you can during this time. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-You-Should-Ignore-All-That/248366/?fbclid=IwAR2IZ00-HmLHOspM-gtzmV7zyu_FygTI9eOcHLuWTLmCY2SntMc7HNLB_Qs
I want to let you all know that our annual conference has been postponed until May 2021 with the same location, venues, and presenters, excluding our keynote, that will change. The Board of Trustees came to this decision yesterday during our meeting. We felt that for those presenting or giving poster discussions this will allow you more time to work on your projects, time that is not full of distraction and unknowns as it is now. Those who received scholarships to attend, they will still be honored for next year’s conference. More details will be coming.
The board also recognizes the importance of meeting with our colleagues and will be hosting a virtual, annual meeting sometime in May. During the meeting our keynote speaker has agreed to give her presentation online, we are still working on those details and the meeting date will be shared soon. Additionally, we will share what has been happening with MiALA in 2020. You will hear from Trustees, Committee Chairs, and others about all of our accomplishments for the year, and there have been many. Following the reports will be an important Q&A for our members. We hope you join us for a time to reflect on our organizations progress and ask questions of the Board of Trustees or Committee Chairs.
Thank you all for your continued work for MiALA. I am happy to see some activity from our IGs, it’s important to keep meeting and sharing your ideas. If you want to you can contact me at president@miala.org I am available for you during this time.
Stay safe and I am looking forward to our annual meeting coming soon.
Beth Martin, MiALA President
2020 Annual Conference Status
The MiALA board is postponing the 2020 Annual Conference, originally scheduled for May 14-15, 2020, at the Holiday Inn at Ferris State University – Big Rapids, to May 13-14, 2021. It will be held at the same venue with the same schedule and presentations. However, to maintain some semblance of normalcy, keynote speaker, Annie Downey has agreed to present her keynote presentation on May 14, 2020, online via Zoom. This will be followed by a membership meeting to keep the members informed of the association’s activities. Watch for a message with more details on this online membership meeting coming soon.
We are looking into the possibility of adding extra breakout session slots for those who may need to present for tenure and promotion activities. If possible, we will be providing a separate call for breakout session proposals in the fall of 2020.
Scholarship recipients will have their awards applied to the 2021 conference.
We will be adding information to the Annual Conference FAQ page as more information is available. If you have any additional questions, please contact conference planning committee chair, David Scott & MiALA administrative assistant Heather Ladiski by emailing conference@miala.org.
These are unusual times for all, and for everyone’s safety and well-being, this decision is the best we can make under current circumstances. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting and wish everyone health and safety.
Your MiALA Board of Directors and Conference Planning Committee
2020-2021 MiALA Nominations & Elections Information
Hello MiALA friends,
Happy Spring! In this season of renewal, it’s time to consider the possibilities for leadership and service with the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA). We recognize the challenges we are all facing during this unprecedented event, and MiALA will continue to serve its members - but we need your help.
Leadership takes many forms in MiALA and there are many service opportunities available.
Why is serving in MiALA leadership a win/win for all of us? Because service with MiALA:
Takes only a few hours of time each month;
Can count toward tenure or continuing appointment requirements at your institution;
Establishes an active professional network with colleagues from other institutions;
Promotes academic librarianship through collaboration and communication.
Do you or someone you know have the dedication and enthusiasm to serve in MiALA leadership? Or someone who is newer to academic librarianship in Michigan? Or someone who is eager to enhance their leadership skills? If so, please nominate them (or yourself) to run for one of these open Board positions:
Vice President/President-Elect
Publicly Funded University Rep
Private College Rep
Community College Rep
Interest Group Coordination Council Representatives (Two 2-year terms and Two 1-year terms)
Nominations open on April 15, 2020 and will be accepted through May 20, 2020. Newly-elected positions will begin service on July 1, 2020.
Have a question about the MiALA elections? See our Election Central 2020 website for complete information, including a timeline and position descriptions: http://miala.org/election_central.php. Any other questions about the nomination or election process, please contact the Nominations & Elections Committee at elections@miala.org.
We look forward to receiving your nominations! |