November 2016

Calendar of Events Import

2017 Annual Conference: Call for Proposals Reminder

2017 Annual Conference: Call for Proposals
MI-ALA invites you and your colleagues to submit presentation proposals for the 2nd annual conference

Register for 2016 Mini-MiALA Conference

2016 Mini-MiALA Conference

Building on the momentum from our successful inaugrual conference, the Administration, Collections, and User Experience Sections are hosting a Mini-MiALA Conference to encourage the continued sharing of insights and experiences through concurrent programs as well as an opportunity to network with your MiALA colleagues during lunch and afternoon meetings.

To register, go to the 2016 Mini-MiALA Conference registration page.

President's Column

I hope that Fall Semester is going well for everyone. This is my favorite time of year: I love the excitement of students and staff alike on my campus, the changing colors, and, of course, college football!

For MI-ALA, Fall 2016 and, in fact, the entire academic year are shaping up to be very busy for our growing organization:
  • Our members have selected two complimentary new logos, which will be rolled in the next few months via various organizational communications and (eventually) a redesigned website.
  • Members of the Technical Services and Cataloging/Metadata Interest Groups are planning a pop-up conference on RDA, which will be held at the MCLS office on November 17th.
  • To build upon the momentum generated at the 2016 Annual Conference, the leaders of all three of MI-ALA’s sections are collaborating on our first ever one day mini-conference, which will be held at UM-Dearborn on December 9th. (Registration for this is now open!)
  • In February, the Board will offer a special membership engagement opportunity, so watch for announcements.
  • The 2017 Annual Conference planning is in full swing, so make sure to review the update on it in this newsletter.
The next big event for us to begin contemplating is our 2018 Annual Conference. To that end, the MI-ALA Board of Directors has decided it is in the organization’s best interest to begin conference planning more than a year out to ensure that we choose a location that will fit our space needs and financial considerations. We want annual conference planning to become even more member driven, so watch for a call for 2018 Conference planning proposals in the near future.

I look forward to seeing many of you in Dearborn next month.


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_Former Monthly eNewsletter - November 2016