February 2025

Welcome New Members!

Northern Michigan University
Jennifer Donner

University Of Michigan Dearborn Mardigian Library
Markita Evans

Melissa Polykandriotis

Wayne State University School of Information Sciences
Claire Cirocco

University of Michigan
Lisa Carter

Oakland Community College
Nadja Springer-Ali

University of Michigan School of Information
Nazelie Doghramadjian

Member Spotlight

Meghan McGowan

STEM Librarian
Wayne State University

What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading Blackouts by Justin Torres and I am fully loving it. I highly recommend. It is a multi-timeline story that incorporates queer history into a fiction narrative (and has lots of black out poems!). I've learned so much!

What are your research interests?
I'm a bit all over the place. My liaison areas are public health, kinesiology, and nutrition, so all things health sciences catch my eye, especially public health! I also was involved in a larger research project about information poverty in prisons, so that line of inquiry always feels present. Prior to working in academic libraries, I worked for Detroit Public Library so urban public librarianship is also a dear area to me.

Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
I do! Like many of us, I love to read. Talk to me about books! Especially spooky books! I also am an avid gardener, both produce and flowers. It's always a disaster but I have a big ol' garden that I maintain with my upstairs neighbor and it is my greatest joy.

What drew you to the library profession?
I had a class in undergrad that required archival research at the Burton at Detroit Public Library. I couldn't believe I was allowed to call hunting for treasure research. I was just so sure I wanted to be an archivist until I received an internship at a public library in my last semester of grad school and public library reference and programming stole me away. I love being a library worker and I want us all to have pathways to careers we enjoy and for which we are compensated fairly.

What do you value about MiALA?
Because I am an early career academic librarian, I especially value the ways that I've been able to plug in without having much experience. It has been wonderful to meet other academic library workers, learn about ongoing initiatives, and work with people across the state.

Wanted: Your Member Spotlight!

Have you recently joined MiALA? Even if you’ve been a member for a while, we want to get to know you better! If you are interested in being featured in our monthly MiALA Member Spotlight, simply submit your entry by going to the member spotlight questionnaire. You can also view previously published spotlights on this page.

Instruction & Info Lit IG Casual Convo: Student Emotions

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 3:00P

Do we take time to understand student emotions? How do we understand and value the emotional aspects of the research cycle? How do we communicate to students to expect emotions as part of the research process?

Join us for a brief introduction to the current literature on student emotions led by Rosemary Graham, followed by conversation and idea-sharing with your peers.

Please register for the Zoom link and calendar invite: https://msu.zoom.us/meeting/register/wrJ6RwM1Tymhfj2vPgbk-g


IDEA Featured Resource

This month’s featured resource from the MiALA IDEA Resources for Education and Training list is:

Loss/Capture. (n.d.). https://losscaptureproject.cargo.site/

Description: “This online project documents Black cultural archives. The editors wanted to celebrate both the legacy of Black cultural heritage and history and the liberatory possibilities of what can come next if we are intentional, equitable, and inclusive in our planning and preservation actions. Loss/Capture aims to explore the rich and complex cultural experiences, contributions, and challenges of Black life across time and temporality. Together, our contributors share a holistic understanding of how our history is captured—through music, memory, manuscripts, murals, and movements—with a dynamic vision to grow, preserve, and share ideas about Black liberation, love, and art with subsequent generations.”

Message From the President

Happy February all,

The other day I came across an interesting fact which made perfect sense. The 5 weeks before and the 5 weeks after Winter Solstice represent the darkest weeks of the year. Which helps explain my constant hunger for sunlight this time of the year. Fortunately as the days get longer we’ll have a better chance to get more sunlight.

So as we move towards spring the MiALA Board is also moving forward on a number of fronts. As you might expect, conference planning is moving forward, and the Strategic Planning Team will be sharing some of their initial thoughts with the MiALA board this month. Which means it is a good time to plan for our Mid Winter All Member Virtual Meeting.

On February 28th the MiALA board will host a virital all member meeting. Time is still to be finalized, but I am looking to record the meeting for those who can not attend. The meeting will last around an hour with the board providing updates and leaving time for MiALA members to ask questions. This is a good time to connect with your board members as we move steadily forward to longer and warmer days ahead.

I’m looking forward to all who can make the February 28th meeting.



2025 Conference Updates

The 2025 Conference Planning Committee has been hard at work over the last couple of months, and we have several exciting updates below. You can also access this information at https://miala.org/annual_conference_2025.php. Hope to see you in Flint!

Announcing our 2025 Keynote Speaker: Barbara McQuade

We are excited to welcome Barbara McQuade as our conference keynote speaker. McQuade is a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, where she teaches criminal law and national security law. She is also a legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. She has been recognized by The Detroit News with the Michiganian of the Year Award, the Detroit Free Press with the Neal Shine Award for Exemplary Regional Leadership, Crain's Detroit Business as a Newsmaker of the Year and one of Detroit's Most Influential Women, and the Detroit Branch NAACP and Arab American Civil Rights League with their Tribute to Justice Award.

McQuade is the author of Attack from Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America. The book breaks down ways that disinformation has become a political tool, shows us ways to identify disinformation in our society, and strategies for countering disinformation when we encounter it. Copies will be available for purchase at the conference, courtesy of Comma Bookstore in Flint.

Preconference Events with MHSLA and the MiALA HSIG

Once again the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA) and MiALA HSIG are offering a Preconference for health sciences librarians and any others interested in joining us. The MHSLA & MiALA HSIG Preconference Theme is Revving Up Research: Navigating the AI-Fueled Future of Scholarship. The preconference will be on Sunday, May 18, 2025, at the University of Michigan - Flint Conference Center from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Join us for a networking lunch and an opportunity to earn Medical Library Association Continuing Education credit.

The preconference will offer a presentation by Dr. Phillip Olla, Associate Professor, Director, Center for Augmenting Intelligence, College of Health Professions, University of Detroit Mercy. His presentation, Progressive AI Learning Integration Framework (PAIL): focusing on AI Enhanced Scholarly Research will provide an informative and practical session on integrating AI into academic settings in a structured, ethical manner. The preconference will also host vendor tables, with representatives from EBSCO, VisualDx, Doody’s, and more.

We hope you’ll join us at Revving Up Research: Navigating the AI-Fueled Future of Scholarship

2025 Conference Registration Rates

Although conference registration is not yet open, registration rates have been set:
$175 for MiALA, ALAO, and MHSLA members,
$100 for MiALA members who are library support staff and/or part-time librarians
$50 for LIS students,
$250 for all others
Look for the registration link later in the spring!

Call for Poster Presentations
Poster presentation proposals are being accepted for the 2025 conference through Friday, February 14. Learn more and submit your proposal at https://miala.org/2025accallforposters.php.


MiALA 2025 Annual Conference

Support the Future of Academic Librarianship - Become a Sponsor!

MiALA is member-driven - and it is also member-supported! If you are passionate about the future of academic libraries, we hope you will consider becoming a conference sponsor in 2025. Thank you to those who have already committed to sponsor! The Sponsorship levels and benefits are included below. If you have any questions or would like more information about sponsorship, please reach out to the LSTA and Sponsorships Committee Chair, Jennifer L. Dean (jldean@umich.edu).

Premier Level - $2000 or more

  • Acknowledgment as a day sponsor for all beverage and snack service.

  • Three free conference registrations.

  • Prominent company logo placement on the MiALA conference webpage.

  • Sponsor-provided documentation can be distributed to attendees.

Platinum Level - $1500 - $1999

  • Acknowledgment as a sponsor for the keynote speaker or conference lunch.

  • Two free conference registrations.

  • Prominent company logo placement on MiALA conference webpage.

  • Sponsor provided documentation can be distributed to attendees.

Gold Level - $1000 - $1499

  • Acknowledgment as a sponsor for morning coffee or afternoon break.

  • One free conference registration.

  • Prominent company logo placement on MiALA conference webpage.

  • Sponsor provided documentation can be distributed to attendees.

Silver Level - $500 - $999

  • Prominent company logo placement on MiALA conference webpage.

  • Sponsor provided documentation can be distributed to attendees.

Bronze Level - $250 - $499

  • Prominent company logo placement on MiALA conference webpage.

  • Scholarship Contribution - $50 - $249

  • Direct contribution towards participant sponsorship.

  • Placement on the MiALA conference webpage.

General Support - $50

  • Placement on the MiALA conference webpage.

Call for Nominations: Academic Librarian Of The Year Award

Established in 2020, the ALOTY award recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of a MiALA member and their contributions to their institution and academic libraries. The award criteria is not limited to achievements within the current academic year and nominees may include library administrators or library faculty.

The winner will be announced at the Annual Conference in May, and will be formally recognized at the Michigan Library Awards ceremony in October (date and location TBD). In addition, the winner will receive a cash prize of $250, a statuette, and complementary registration to the 2026 Annual Conference.

Please consider nominating a deserving colleague, or if you are that deserving colleague, ask someone to nominate you! Click here or follow the link under the News and Events heading on the MiALA homepage for more information, guidelines, and a link to the nomination form. Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 25!

Call For Nominating & Elections Committee Volunteers!

The Nominations/Elections Committee seeks members from each of the three types of academic libraries to coordinate and identify candidates for President-Elect, Secretary, Board of Directors, and Interest Group Coordination Council. Other duties include developing an election timeline, promoting the election process to members, soliciting candidate’s profiles and information, and verifying election results. The committee will begin its work in February and conclude with the end of the election cycle in June 2025.

If you can spare a few hours to help us build MiALA’s next leadership team, or have questions, please contact committee Chair Darlene Johnson-Bignotti: dxjohnso@oaklandcc.edu

Data Literacy in Action Webinar Series

Data Literacy in Action Webinar Series
From Principles to Practice: Data Literacy in Academic Libraries

About the Webinar Series
Join us for an engaging webinar series held every Wednesday in February 2025. This webinar series highlights the innovative efforts of academic libraries in developing and implementing data literacy initiatives within their institutions. Through practical examples and firsthand experiences, our speakers will share how they have integrated data literacy principles into their instruction, offering valuable insights and strategies for others looking to enhance data literacy in their own contexts.

Upcoming Sessions
Building Data Literacy through Innovative Programs
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (CST)
Speakers: Gabriele Hayden and Ashley Rockwell

Engaging Faculty and Administrators in Data Literacy
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (CST)
Speakers: Theresa Burress and Clarence Maybee

Tailoring Data Literacy to Diverse Student Needs
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (CST)
Speakers: Jesse Akman and Ben Chiewphasa

For more information about the webinar speakers, visit here.

Each webinar will feature two speakers presenting practical experiences, followed by a live Q&A session for attendees.

MiALA Newsletter - February 2025