October 2024

Welcome New Members!

Hope College
Charlotte Ulloa

Brad Sietz

Kellogg Community College
Rebekah Love

The Library Network
Sandy Belz

Member Spotlight

Michael Bradford
Library System Cataloging Librarian
Wayne State University

What are you currently reading?
I listen to audiobooks on my daily commute, I am currently reading "Arc of Justice: A saga of race, civil rights, and murder in the Jazz Age" by Kevin Boyle.

What are your research interests?
I am interested in critical cataloging, sometimes known as "radical cataloging", "critcat", or "reparative descriptions". I am also interested in linked library metadata and increasing access to the specialized field of what was traditionally known as name authority work, but can stand under the umbrella of identity management.

Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
I spend a lot of money filling and refilling my various bird feeders around the yard. I also have been doing family genealogy research since I was in middle school (I received a blue ribbon at the Cass County Fair for my genealogy project when I was 12!). My wife and I love going antiquing and to estate sales.

What drew you to the library profession?
I worked as a library page for the Lilly Library at Indiana University as an undergraduate. It was the mid-late 90s and I wore a beeper! Working in the rare book library and being introduced to the different types of materials a library holds and how they are presented to researchers and patrons keyed me in where I went for a support staff temp position after graduation and the rest is history.

What do you value about MiALA?
I value the the community of the Interest Groups immensely. If you have an interest, you're probably going to find that interest represented in a MiALA IG. And if not, you just need five folks to start a new group!

President's Message

And just like that we have entered into fall and also just like that, depending on when your semester starts, the first six weeks have rushed by. Students and classes take up the bulk of the time, but now we can settle in for the rest of the semester.

The Strategic Planning team has been busy at work. The Engagement Sessions have wrapped up, and they will be looking to release a survey within the next few weeks. Please be on the lookout for the survey in your inboxes. Upon seeing the work that has gone into the development of the survey for MiALA I begin to see the care and thoughtfulness that goes into developing a survey. So again, please take a bit of time and add your voice.

The Conference Planning committee has been hard at work as they are finalizing the theme and looking to again partner with Michigan Health Science Library Association (MHSLA). If you have a presentation idea to share with fellow librarians now is a time to think it over.

And finally, I want to take a moment to ask you to reflect upon the devastating storms that occurred in the southeast region of our country. They have been hit hard and many of our colleagues down south are struggling to rebuild their campuses and their homes. I ask that you take a mindful moment in consideration of their struggles, especially those who are with UNC Asheville, Appalachian State University and Western Carolina University.

Visual Literacy in Library Instruction

Join us for a casual information session on Visual Thinking Strategy (VTS), hosted by the MiALA Instruction & Info Lit IG and lead by Rosemary Graham and Carrie Weis, Ferris State University Fine Art Gallery Director. Carrie is trained in VTS and will be presenting a mini lesson, best practices, and ways to implement VTS into instruction with Q&A.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024 | 2:00P

Register for the zoom link and calendar invite.

Casual Convo: Moving beyond trying to "solve" library anxiety

The Instruction & Info Lit Interest Group invites you to a conversation about Friction: Moving beyond trying to "solve" library anxiety.

Many of the conversations around library anxiety are approaching it with the goal of eliminating it. What if library anxiety is a crucial part of the learning process? Are we devaluing students' capabilities to learn something new? Please join us in a casual conversation about educational friction, led by Dylan McGlothlin.

Thursday, November 7, 2024 | 11:00A
Register for the Zoom link and calendar invite


Strategic Planning Update

The Strategic Planning team wanted to give  provide a short timeline update on our progress.

From September 19 – September 18 MCLS held four different 90 minutes focus groups with the following levels of participation:

  • Session 1: 9

  • Session 2: 12

  • Session 3: 24

  • Session 4: 7

While those sessions have been held we’ve been working on finalizing a member survey to allow everyone to provide input into the process. We’re hoping the survey will go out in early October. So please keep an eye out on the listserv for survey link. If you don’t see the email please check your junk mail folder as some listserv messages get filtered. Thanks for your involvement in helping us to set our strategic direction!

Managing Your IG Memberships

Did you know...

MiALA members can control their Interest Group membership through the "My Membership Info" page on the MiALA website. To add or drop an Interest Group, click the "Change Contact/Profile Info" link. Then, scroll down and check any interest groups you would like to add, and uncheck any interest groups you would like to leave.

Screenshot of new website with IG changes
Second screen showing changes to IG websites

New Hypothesis Journal issue

Dear Friends and Colleagues.

Fall is here and Hypothesis has published its second issue of the year. This is our second year publishing two issues and we couldn’t be more excited to continue the trend! We appreciate everyone involved for their hard work and dedication.

We happily announce the publication of Vol. 36, No. 2 of Hypothesis: research journal for health information professionals.

The new issue includes:

  • MLA Research Awards, by Lindsay Blake.

  • A Failure column on question formulation in evidence-based practice, by Jon Eldredge, et al.

  • Methods Moment on LibGuide assessment, by Carmen Howard, et al.

  • A Research article titled “Librarian and clinical faculty collaborative use of formative assessment in a longitudinal evidence-based medicine curriculum,” by S'aad Laws, et al.

If you’d like to share your ideas for future articles or issues, complete our form. Follow us on X for the latest updates. Register with us to receive notifications directly.

The issue is available on our website at https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/hypothesis/index.

Warm regards,
Editorial Team

MiALA Newsletter - October 2024