September 2024

Upcoming Events

Welcome New Members!

Michigan Health Sciences Library Association
Ferris State University
Lauren Vogt

Kresge Library Services
Claire Myers

Grand Valley State University
Cayla Dwyer

Schoolcraft College
Sharon Christian

Delta Community College
Terrie Ahlers

Framing Open: The ART of Open Education conference

Registration is now open for the 2024 MI OER Conference, Framing Open: The ART of Open Education to be held September 20, 2024 at Grand Rapids Community College. Registration is $20 and includes parking and lunch.

Scholarships for registration and travel are available. Deadline is Sept. 4.

Register at
Scholarship Form:

Wanted: Your Member Spotlight

Have you recently joined MiALA? Have you been a member for awhile and just want to reconnect? We want to get to know you better! If you are interested in being featured in our monthly MiALA Member Spotlight, simply submit your entry by going to the member spotlight questionnaire. You can also view previously published spotlights on this page.

President's Message

As the wheels turn to a new academic year the MiALA board returns to a new exciting year for MiALA. Last month, on August 12th your MiALA board along with the Strategic Planning team gathered at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids for our annual leadership retreat. Unlike previous retreats, this year we were joined by Jan Davidson from MCLS. Jan led the board and the strategic planning team through a number of initial exercises in an effort to kick off this year's Strategic Planning. We discussed who our various stakeholders are, peer institutions, partners and so much more. The team is working to set up interviews and a survey for MiALA members and other stakeholders. It's an opportunity to share your voice with MiALA. I encourage you to sign up.

In other good news, I have the pleasure of sharing that University of Michigan Flint and the University of Michigan Dearborn have joined together to host our 2025 MiALA Annual Conference being held May 19-20, located in Flint. I always enjoy our Annual Conference as a way to meet in person and renew old bonds and create new ones. Co-Chairs Heidi Keppen Palmer from University of Michigan Dearborn and Liz Svoboda from the University of Michigan Flint are hard at work pulling together their team and begin the process of organizing our annual conference.  So please look for more information in the months ahead.

Lastly, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me or our other board members. Wishing everyone the best as we kick off another academic year.

Mies Martin

Strategic Planning Focus Groups

As a valued stakeholder in the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA), we invite you to a virtual conversation about our future. This is a chance for us to better understand how people value and utilize the resources of MiALA, as well as how we might serve our community moving forward. Your feedback will be used to inform our strategic planning process. Your participation is invaluable and will help to shape the future of MiALA, and we look forward to sharing what we learn, and the completed strategic plan with you.

Each 90-minute conversation will be facilitated by Jan Davidson and Jenny Kobiela-Mondor, consultants with our partners in strategic planning, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services. 

For your participation, you will receive a 25 dollar gift card in appreciation of your time and contribution to our planning process. 

There are four opportunities to add your voice to the strategic planning process. Please register now!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Julie Garrison ( or Denise Leyton ( We look forward to hearing from you and we hope you can join us!

2024 ALAO Conference Registration Open! Register Today

The 2024 ALAO Conference Planning Committee is excited to announce that registration is open for our ALAO Annual Conference! Come help us celebrate our 50th conference anniversary! The theme for this year's in-person conference is:

Ohio Academic Libraries: Past, Present, & Future

This year’s conference will kick off in person with a pre-conference on November 7, 2024 at OCLC Conference Center, Lakeside Building; the main event takes place on November 8, 2024 at OCLC Conference Center, Smith Building, 6600 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH. Join your colleagues in the festivities and enjoy the keynote session, a selection of engaging presentations, lightning talks, and interactive poster sessions.

We will adhere to the usual safety precautions and also offer attendees the opportunity to use their name tags to indicate their level of comfort with social distancing.

For hotel accommodations visit Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) - Lodging (

Register by September 20, 2024 on the conference website for early-bird pricing - only $130.00 for members and $95.00 for students! AND...MiALA members get ALAO membership rates!

Pre-Conference events include:
A pre-conference hands-on workshop “AI and the Future of Academic Libraries: Insights and Strategies” (Sponsored by The Ohio Health Sciences Library Association – OHSLA)

Conference events include:
A keynote address by Professor Emerita of English and the former Director of the Africana Studies Program at the University of Mount Union, Dr. G. Michelle Collins-Sibley: Myth, Memory, or History: Finding a (New) Balance in an Age of Nostalgia.
Many informative and inspirational breakout sessions, posters, and lightning talks from your colleagues [See conference program]
Opportunities to network and connect with colleagues in person!
ALAO thanks our conference sponsors for allowing us to keep registration costs low!

****Registration Rates Note: Presenters will be emailed a direct link for registration****

Thursday In-Person Pre-Conference Workshop [Register Now!]:
$65 ALAO/MiALA/OHSLA Members
$90 Non ALAO Members
$38 ALAO Student Members/Retirees
$33 CPC Members, code required
$0 Conference Volunteer, code required
$0 Invited Guests, code required

In-Person/Online Conference Package [Register Now!]
In-Person Early bird Rates (through Sept. 20, 2024):
$130 ALAO/MiALA/OHSLA Members
$160 Non ALAO Members
$77 ALAO Student Members/Retirees
$69 CPC Members, code required
$0 Conference Volunteer, code required
$0 Invited Guests, code required

In-Person Regular Rates
$160 ALAO/MiALA Members
$190 Non ALAO Members
$95 ALAO Student Members/Retirees
$85 CPC Members, code required
$0 Conference Volunteer, code required
$0 Invited Guests, code required

Online Only Conference Package
$50 ALAO/MiALA Members
$56 Non-ALAO Members
$25 ALAO Student Members/Retirees
$20 CPC Members, code required
$0 Conference Volunteer, code required
$0 Invited Guests, code required

$250 Standard Exhibitor Package
$100 Non-Profit Exhibitor Package
$79 Additional Attendees
Platinum and Diamond Sponsors

We look forward to seeing you in November!

MiALA Newsletter - September 2024