Call for Advocacy Committee Volunteers
MiALA is seeking volunteers to join the Advocacy Committee. Charged with providing resources and education about critical issues in academic librarianship and libraries in Michigan, the Advocacy Committee’s work is in line with and in support of the work of ACRL and ALA, helping librarians highlight and demonstrate best practices, host workshops, collaborate, engage communities, and raise professional awareness. For more information, contact Aaron Kilgore at or Kalyn Huson at, or complete the Committee Interest to Volunteer Application.
Member Spotlight

Margaret Hoogland
Clinical Medical Librarian
University of Toledo
What are you currently reading?
Professionally, I am reading articles on a bunch of different topics such as evidence-based practice, medical education, research approval process, and so forth to supplement and support "in-progress" projects. Personally, I read everything from Shakespeare to easy reads. What I am reading varies a lot by how much energy I have and the amount of thinking I want to do.
What are your research interests?
Professional development, educational technology, and well-being are among my interests. I enjoy research, though, and I am not afraid to try something that is completely new.
Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
Yep! I am a fitness enthusiast but I also enjoy cooking, crafting, music, and attempting to beat my siblings and parents at both card games and board games (e.g., Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride).
What drew you to the library profession?
Reading did not come easily to me, but I love it. My parents - especially my Mom - took us to the public library on a weekly basis and read books aloud to us. Despite saying I was going to be a librarian in my third grade essay, I did not really consider it again until the summer between my Junior and Senior year of college.
I had the choice between an exciting job or going to graduate school. As many graduate programs said yes and the job did not, the decision was easy. Health Sciences - in particular - appealed to me, because it is always changing and pushing the envelope. No single day is ever the same.
What do you value about MiALA?
MiALA offers great programming throughout the year and at the yearly conference. It is also affordable and the MiALA leaders are both receptive and in-tune with the needs of their members.
Is there anything else that you would like to share/include in your member spotlight?
I just joined my first committee - MiALA Membership - and I am excited to get more involved with this fantastic organization.
Message from the President
Hi folks!
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is doing well as the semester comes to a close. As we begin to think about the new year, I want to remind everyone of the MiALA 2023 Annual Conference. It will take place in Holland May 17-19. Please consider submitting a presentation proposal!
To stay up to date, be on the lookout for emails from the Conference Planning committee and visit the Conference website.
Carin Graves
MiALA 2023 Conference: Call for Presentation Proposals
Riding the Waves: Finding Balance in an Age of Uncertainty
In many ways, the world around us seems increasingly unsettled, as libraries face challenges from economic uncertainty, polarized politics, and transitions from paid subscriptions to constantly shifting models of open access. The Michigan Academic Library Association invites you to consider how library professionals can navigate today’s uncertain times and find our own inner stability while providing balanced, reliable and diverse resources and services to our students and faculty.
MiALA invites you and your colleagues to submit presentation proposals for the 8th annual conference to be held in-person, May 17-19, 2023 at Hope College, Holland, Michigan. Participation from librarians, library staff, LIS students, and administrators from all types of academic libraries is encouraged. MiALA membership is not required to submit a proposal.
We welcome proposals on any topic related to academic libraries, including, but not limited to:
Access Services
Administration and Management
Assessment and Evaluation
Cataloging and Metadata
Campus and Community Collaboration
Community College Libraries
Critical Librarianship
Data Management
Digital Humanities
Distance or Online Learning
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Education and Curriculum
Electronic Resources
Fine Arts and Humanities
Health Sciences
Instruction and Information Literacy
Library Liaisons Work
Open Educational Resources
Research Services (including in-person or virtual reference)
Resource Sharing
Strategic Planning
Technical Services
User Experience
Web Development and Design
We are seeking the following presentation formats:
Along with presenter(s) information, program proposals must include title, presentation format, topic tags, abstract (up to 75 words), description (up to 300 words), learning objective(s), and intended audience (up to 25 words). Proposals will be evaluated on relevance to the conference theme, impact on academic libraries, originality, creativity, clarity, audience engagement, and applicability of content and outcomes.
All speakers should be prepared to move their presentations to an online format if conditions merit.
Please submit your breakout session proposal using the application form located here by December 21, 2022. The primary contact listed on each proposal will receive a message indicating receipt of the proposal when it is submitted and decisions on proposals will be communicated to the primary contact in late January or early February.
Questions about proposals can be sent to Jill Spreitzer at Questions about the conference in general can be sent to
Announcing IDEA's Reading Group Discussions
The MiALA IDEA Committee invites you to the launch of their IDEA Reading Group Discussions. To continue to support the professional development and learning journey of the membership, the IDEA Committee plans to hold two discussions during the winter semester, each featuring a reading related to inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility, and/or anti-racism. These discussions are open to MiALA members and will be facilitated by IDEA Committee members.
Registration is required. In order to provide a space in which participants will feel comfortable openly discussing the chosen reading, these sessions will not be recorded. Participants are asked to review the MiALA Code of Conduct and ensure that they feel comfortable acting according to these guidelines in order to participate in the discussion.
Jan. 26, 2023, 10 a.m.
Reading: Beyond the police: libraries as locations of carceral care by Teresa Helena Moreno.
Please register in advance
Feb. 23, 2023, 10 a.m.
Reading: The weaponization of professionalism: Abolishing unwritten rules and unknowable work cultures by Jamia Williams and Dustin Fife.
Please register in advance
We look forward to learning and growing together!
Sign-up to Host a Member Meet-Up
The MiALA Membership Committee is looking for hosts for this year’s Member Meet-Ups! These events provide an opportunity for MiALA members to connect, share, and learn from one another. Meet-Ups are free for MiALA members, but registration is required.
Past Meet-Ups have included:
* Cultivating Active Engagement with IDEA
* Engaging Your Community (a conversation exploring learning about user needs)
* Michigan Colleges Online Z-Degree Guidelines
* De-stress Activities & Conversation
We invite Interest Groups or MiALA Committees to consider hosting a Meet-Up, either individually or in collaboration with other IGs/Committees. Scheduling is flexible, so we can work with you to find the right date and time, but we hope to have these on a monthly basis. If you have questions or if your IG/Committee would like to host, please contact the Membership Committee at
Hope to meet up with you soon!