September 2022

2022-2023 Budget Update

Greetings! My name is Denise Leyton and I am this year's treasurer. As Rachel Minkin, our past treasurer, reported at the Annual Conference Members Meeting, our budget this year will be steady with last year's budget. In the coming months, I plan to have discussions with the Board about our process of distributing funds to Interest Groups and Committees and how we can continue to act in our members' best interests. If you have questions for me, you are welcome to email me at Looking forward to a great year!

Welcome New Members!

Mercy High School
Martha Kreucher

Ferris State University
Jason Bentley

Kettering University Library
Amy Klebba

University of Michigan - Flint
Jennifer Dean

Library of Michigan
Heather Wood-Gramza

West Shore Community College
Patricia Skinner
Mia Glionna
Tiler Jewell

Oakland Community College
Kyle Ceci

Hope College
Jennifer Bruxvoort
Rachel Burns

Eastern Michigan University
Elizabeth Pepper

Bay de Noc Community College
Mariel Carter

Midwest Collaborative for Library Services
Mary Ruthko

Northern Michigan University
Emera Bridger Wilson

Wayne State University
Sarah Henry Boggs


Message from the President

Welcome to a new membership year and the start of the Fall Semester! This spring we had successful elections for the Board and IGCC with other open positions appointed by the Board, which can be viewed here.
I want to highlight an upcoming event, the Data Literacy Mini-Conference on October 24th. The Mini-Conference is sponsored by the Information Literacy and Instruction Interest Group and iASSIST. I want to thank the Information Literacy and Instruction IG for their work on this event.
Finally, thank you to the Board, the IGCC, the Committee Leadership, and the IG Leadership for their participation at the Leadership Retreat. I am excited to bring the ideas we developed to the membership in the coming months.
Carin Graves

OER Summit

The MI OER Network Steering Committee invites you to register for the 2022 MI OER Summit, which will be held virtually on September 29-30, 2022. This year's theme is "Looking Back, Looking Froward," focusing on how work in open education has been changed and transformed during the past two years and your plans for a re-imagined future.

We have an excellent line-up of presenters, including keynote speakers Dr. Maha Bali, Associate Professor of Practice at the Center for Learning and Teaching at the American University in Cairo, and Nicole Allen, Director of Open Education for SPARC. 

Registration is free and open to anyone. To register and learn more about the summit, visit the MI OER Virtual Summit.

Special thanks to the Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) for their support in creating the event registration page and providing our virtual conference platform. Funding for the MI OER Summit is provided in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library of Michigan. 

Annual Conference Recap

This year's MiALA conference, themed Engaging the Landscape and held virtually on the Whova platform May 16 - 18, was a great success with 195 attendees. Highlights included:
  • An OER IG hosted watch party followed by a panel discussion for the documentary "Paywall: The Business of Scholarship" the night before.
  • Mays Imad's keynote "Bearing Witness as an Act of Love, Resistance, Hope, and Healing," which offered insight into student and patron engagement in a post-COVID world.
  • Seventeen engaging presentations over five breakout sessions focused on topics including data storytelling, course adopted textbooks, organizational care, and many more.
  • And rounding out the conference, two IDEA Committee sponsored workshops on Anti-Racist practice from Thomas Dickens, the assistant dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and chief diversity officer at The Ohio State University. 
A special thank you to the Conference Committee, and especially the chair, Jessica Hronchek, for their work on this year's conference. The Committee deftly navigated a switch to a virtual conference and worked diligently with the Whova representatives to bring us a great online conference. 

Next year's conference will be hosted by Hope College and take place at the Haworth Hotel in Holland.

New Issue of Hypothesis Published!

The 2022 issue of Hypothesis: Research Journal for Health Information Professionals has been published and includes:

● A Voices of Experience article on the benefits and actions needed to build a culture of research in academic libraries, by Jenessa McElfresh, K. Megan Sheffield, and Maggie Albro.
● The Introduction of Rebecca Carlson as the new Chair Elect of MLA’s Research Caucus.
● A Failure article on a pilot project to use board games to study student attitudes toward interprofessional education.
● The return of the Research Mentor column with an intro by originator Jon Eldridge.

In addition, we are recruiting for volunteers to help with editing, marketing, etc. We’d also love to hear your ideas for future articles or issues. Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.

With appreciation, Editorial Team
MiALA Newsletter - September 2022