November 22, 2024 Strategic Planning Update from retreat
The MiALA Strategic Planning Team appreciates the rich feedback they've received from members through the stakeholder conversations and survey. The Team came together for a visioning retreat on November 22 to discuss this feedback and help inform a new draft vision statement and key strategic priorities. Look for additional opportunities to provide input into a draft plan in February.
October 7, 2024 Strategic Planning Survey
The Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA) is continuing our Strategic Planning work with a survey for members and non-members. In addition to recent engagement sessions, this survey will help MiALA hear from a wide audience and better understand how we’re currently meeting the needs of Michigan’s academic library students, staff and faculty and how we might serve our community moving forward. Your feedback will be used to inform our strategic planning process.
Those who complete the survey can enter a drawing for one of four $50 gift cards.
Your participation is invaluable and will help to shape the future of MiALA, and we look forward to sharing what we learn, and the completed strategic plan with you in the coming months.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Julie Garrison ( or Denise Leyton ( We look forward to hearing from you and we hope you can join us!
September 27, 2024 Strategic Planning Update from October Newsletter
The Strategic Planning team wanted to provide a short timeline update on our progress.
From September 19 – September 18 MCLS held four different 90 minutes focus groups with the following levels of participation:
Session 1: 9
Session 2: 12
Session 3: 24
Session 4: 7
While those sessions have been held we’ve been working on finalizing a member survey to allow everyone to provide input into the process. We’re hoping the survey will go out in early October. So please keep an eye out on the listserv for survey link. If you don’t see the email please check your junk mail folder as some listserv messages get filtered. Thanks for your involvement in helping us to set our strategic direction!
August 29, 2024 Strategic Planning Focus Groups
As a valued stakeholder in the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA), we invite you to a virtual conversation about our future. This is a chance for us to better understand how people value and utilize the resources of MiALA, as well as how we might serve our community moving forward. Your feedback will be used to inform our strategic planning process. Your participation is invaluable and will help to shape the future of MiALA, and we look forward to sharing what we learn, and the completed strategic plan with you.
Each 90-minute conversation will be facilitated by Jan Davidson and Jenny Kobiela-Mondor, consultants with our partners in strategic planning, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services.
For your participation, you will receive a 25 dollar gift card in appreciation of your time and contribution to our planning process.
There are four opportunities to add your voice to the strategic planning process. Please register now!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Julie Garrison ( or Denise Leyton ( We look forward to hearing from you and we hope you can join us!