Meet Rebecca Tull - May Member Spotlight
Rebecca Tull
Assistant Library Professor
University of Detroit Mercy
What are you currently reading?
I just finished two books: Susan Choi’s Trust Exercise and John Gunther’s Death Be Not Proud. I’m currently reading Heather McGhee’s The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper. Unfortunately, I’m kind of a slow reader – and no matter how much I read, somehow the stack of books on my nightstand remains tall.
What are your research interests?
Broadly speaking, library outreach, whether it is direct to students and faculty, more broadly aimed at the university community, or in the form of internal or external partnerships that result in instruction, exhibits, initiatives, and programs.
Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
Hiking and walking (with and without my dog, depending on the pace!). Like many people, I became interested in birding during the pandemic and that interest seems to be sticking. Reading, working in the yard, kayaking, and spending time with my husband and two teenagers, family, and friends near and far.
What drew you to the library profession?
I had been working in marketing and communications and wanted to make a change to something more mission driven. Hearing about the profession from one of my best friends who was a librarian – and then checking out the MLIS course catalog at Dominican University was what hooked me. Until then, I’d been a library user but really didn’t have a clue as to all the cool things librarians do!
What do you value about MiALA?
The networking and professional development opportunities - getting to know librarians and library workers from around the state and what’s going on in their libraries, the challenges they face. I’ve only been back from Illinois for a few years so comparing notes is helpful. The MiALA folks I’ve worked with to date have all been supportive and generous in their information sharing and collaboration, which I definitely appreciate.