November Member Spotlight

Brenna Wade
Public Services Librarian

Hillsdale College

Interest Group Coordination Council Chair
What are you currently reading?
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien. I am rereading The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, as I read it in high school, and never actually finished the Fellowship. I also need to reread The Wizard of Oz for a book discussion I am leading, and the book club I just joined is reading A Month in the Country by J.L. Carr this month. 

What are your research interests?
Student engagement in the library; library marketing, outreach, and programming; library culture; and objects in libraries.

Do you have hobbies or interests outside of the library?
I most enjoy spending time with my husband and son and our three pets: Klaus (German shepherd) and 2 cats, Wren and Chewbacca. I also love reading in my newly built home library.

What drew you to the library profession?
In high school, a bookstore donated a bunch of books to my school, and I spent my study halls organizing the books and putting them on the shelves. When my English teacher suggested that I become a librarian, it just made sense, and while the type of librarian has changed, the desire to be one has not. I definitely started with the cliche of "I love books," but I also love to help people. I enjoy researching and learning, and not only do I get to help people with their information needs, but I also learn new things along the way. 

What do you value about MiALA?
Basically, everything. I appreciate the opportunities to be involved in the organization, and I enjoy meeting colleagues and creating friendships from across the state. The annual conference is very useful, as I have taken and applied several things that I heard about at the conference to my job every year, and it is now my favorite conference to attend.