Spring 2018 Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners Meeting & MiALA Pre-Conference
May 16, 2018
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Michigan State University Libraries - Digital Scholarship Lab
East Lansing, Michigan
The Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners group (MMDP) is an award-winning regional collective of librarians, archivists, museum curators, conservators, historians, scholars, educators, and students engaged in creating and curating digital collections in Mid-Michigan and the surrounding region. They meet twice annually in the spring/fall. MMDP meetings are designed to provide a free and open forum for conversation, collaboration, and networking for all attendees.
This free one-day pre-conference event will take the place of the regularly scheduled 2018 Spring MMDP meeting and bring the normal two-day full experience of that meeting to attendees of the MiALA Annual Conference. This is a great opportunity to learn more about MMDP and build bridges of collaboration with the MiALA community.
MMDP regulars will be in attendance and provide:
Birds-of-a-Feather Discussions
Hands-on Technology Demonstrations
Lightning Talks
Poster Demonstrations
Learning Outcomes
Deliver a dynamic and diverse program to expose library and archives professionals to exciting digital projects at work in our state.
Provide an opportunity for digital practitioners from across mid-Michigan to provide updates on their most recent developments and engage in constructive feedback with their peers.
Seize upon the enthusiasm and forward-progress of MiALA and MMDP to foster a "meeting of the minds" and cross-pollination of ideas and collaborations between the two communities
Target Audience
This pre-conference event is geared towards librarians, archivists, curators, students, and other professionals interested in engaging, learning about, or actively working on digital initiatives/projects to advance collections and scholarship at their institutions or across the state/region.
Presenter Information
Several of the current Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioner planning team members (Richard Adler, Robin Derminer, Melinda Isler, Eliza Landaverde, Dallas Pillen, Devon Proudfoot, Matt Schultz, and Bryan Whitledge) will be in attendance to present. Proposals are being accepted until April 6th - see the Call for Proposals at: https://midmichdp.wordpress.com/.
REGISTRATION IS FREE but limited to 40 participants. Please note that registration to the annual conference does not automatically register you for this pre-conference. Lunch and beverages will be provided.