Mini-MiALA Conference - a one day educational opportunity mid-MiALA year (as not to compete with the annual conference). Takes place late fall. Provides multiple opportunities for membership participation including presenting breakout sessions and networking. There is usually a registration fee for members and non-members to attend. To keep attendee fees minimal, grant funds are available upon application and approval by the board of directors.
Pop-up Conference - scheduled as an educational opportunity coordinated by a specific interest group(s) with one determined focus. Usually a 1-day event. There is usually a fee for members and non-members to attend to cover expenses. To keep attendee fees minimal, grant funds are available upon application and approval by the board of directors. These conferences are coordinated by Interest Group leaders.
Board Meetings - The board of directors meets either in person or (more often) virtually at least quarterly, per the MiALA bylaws (but normally monthly) to conduct the business of the organization. Board members provide reports from the committees/partners that they liaise and other old/new/recurring business is discussed. Minutes are posted on the MiALA website after approval. These meetings are coordinated by the board president and secretary.
Strategic Planning Retreat - happens annually. Either 1 or 1 1/2 days. Opportunity for incoming/outgoing board members, committee chairs, Interest Group Coordination Council, and Interest Group chairs and chairs-elect to learn about the resources available to them as well as determine the strategic plan of their respective groups in the upcoming year. Registration is complementary to all eligible attendees through budgeted association funds. This retreat is coordinated by a task force determined by the board.
Committee Meetings - Opportunity for committee members to meet (usually virtually) to conduct the business of the committee. These meetings are coordinated on an as needed basis by their respective committee chairs.
Interest Group Meetings - Opportunity for members of an interest group to learn and/or network either in person or virtually. These meetings are coordinated on an as needed basis by their respective interest group boards.
Interest Group/IGCC Liaison Meetings - Opportunity for chairs of all interest groups and their respective IGCC liaisons to meet to discuss the issues of interest to their respective interest groups. Information learned and questions that need further guidance are shared with the board of directors at their next meeting. These meetings are coordinated on a regular basis by the board.
Webinars/Online Workshops - Opportunity for members and non-members to attend an educational program virtually using an online meeting platform (such as Webex, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or GotoMeeting). These programs are coordinated on an as needed basis.
The list above is not meant to be all inclusive. Committees, Interest Groups, and/or other groups may use whatever means/venues that they prefer to hold meetings and events.