Election Central

2024 MiALA Election Central

The 2024 MiALA Nominating Committee is happy to announce information for the 2024 Election Cycle.

2024 Election Results

Vice President/President-Elect: Julie Garrison
Treasurer: Jessica Hroncheck
Board Representative for Publicly Funded Universities: Edward Eckel
Board Representative for Private Colleges: Gina Bolger
Board Representative for Community Colleges: Samantha Minnis
IGCC Representatives: Katie Edmiston and Michael Bradford
IGCC Member at Large: Raya Samet

Election Timeline

  • Nominations open in April and close the week after the conference

  • Information on candidates will be posted on the election central webpage after nominations close in May

  • Elections open on June 3 and close at 5pm on June 14th

  • Terms begin on July 1 

Election FAQs

  • Nominees must be an individual or student member of MiALA to be nominated and to serve.

  • Nominees may only run for one position.

  • Only current members (individual, student, retiree, or representative of each institutional member) may vote in the election. An email containing a unique ballot link will be sent to all members when the election opens.

Board of Directors Open Positions

For all Board positions, Board meetings will be held at least quarterly throughout the year and conducted over zoom. 

Vice-President/President-elect (OPEN position)

  • Three year term

    • July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 term as Vice-President and Conference Committee Board Liaison
    • July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026 term as  President 
    • July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2027 term as Past-President and Nominating Committee Chair
  • The Vice-President/President-elect will serve on the Board, the Executive Committee, and the Conference Planning Committee. The VP position is the start of a three-year term, first as VP, then as President, then ending as Past-President. The VP will attend board meetings which are typically held once a month and always virtually. Executive Committee meetings are held as needed. If the President is absent, the VP will run the Board or Executive Committee meeting in their stead. 

Treasurer (OPEN position)

  • Two-year term

  • The Treasurer works with the Association’s fiscal agent (MCLS). The treasurer will receive and review all financial statements from the fiscal agent and reports back to the Board. The treasurer also works with committees and the Interest Group Coordinating Council to determine income/expense needs in consultation with the Board. The Treasurer also serves on the Executive Committee, and either the Treasurer or Secretary will lead meetings if both the VP and President are absent. Board meetings are typically held once a month and always virtually. 

Community College Representative (1 OPEN position)
Private College and Universities Representative (1 OPEN position)
Publicly Funded University Representative (1 OPEN position)

  • Two year term
  • The Representative will actively participate in all board meetings and other duties as assigned by the board. These members are elected to represent a particular type of academic library (community college, private, public). Board meetings will be held at least quarterly throughout the year. Representatives will be assigned a committee to liaise with for the Board.

Interest Group Coordinating Council (IGCC) Open Positions

IGCC Representative (2 OPEN Positions)

  • Two year term

IGCC Member-at-large (1 OPEN Positions)

  • One year term

  • The IGCC is responsible for policies that affect IGs, managing funds for IG activities, communicating news to IG leadership, encouraging activity, developing IG leadership, facilitating creation and dissolution of IGs, and acting as a liaison between the MiALA Board and the IGs. A chair, vice chair, and secretary are selected by the IGCC members. 


2024 Proposed Amendments to the MiALA ByLaws

The proposed amendments can be found here

Other Opportunities

If you are interested in serving on any committee during the 2024-2025 membership year, please submit your interest using the committee volunteer interest form

Any Questions?

Please visit the MiALA Bylaws and MiALA Policies and Procedures Manual for more information about positions and expectations. Any questions? Please contact the Nominating Committee at elections@miala.org.