Balancing Neurodivergent Needs The goal of this project is to explore/identify the challenges in balancing the wants and needs of neurodivergent and neurotypical students and instructors in library instruction. Poster Location #1 Presenter: Lauren (Wren) Pierce, Grand Valley State University
Building Solid Ground: a Pilot Survey of the Challenges and Strategies for Networking as an Online MSLIS Graduate Student The growing prevalence of online MSLIS programs make it possible for many students to pursue degrees in information and library science that would have otherwise been impeded by a variety of factors. However, these entirely online programs also pose to students unique challenges for establishing themselves in the field. This poster will report the results of a small survey of online MSLIS graduate students regarding successful strategies for overcoming these professional development barriers. Poster Location #2 Presenter: Robin Daniels, Syracuse University
Claiming Space: Leading Community-Centered Change Using intentional community building, inclusive collection development principles, and facilitated conversations about values and space, this poster will outline how one library has sought to support community-centered change. By focusing on the relationship students have to library spaces, we were able to partner with student communities to create authentic engagement, supporting a cartonera collection highlighting Undocumented/DACA student voices and a collective engagement agreement addressing the gaps between the library’s stated and lived values. Poster Location #3 Presenters: Sheila Garcia Mazari, University of California, Santa Cruz Stacey Burns, Grand Valley State University
Finding Your Event Formula: Using Data-Driven Assessment to Refine Planning and Promotion (Handout) Rethinking academic library programming after returning to campus has not been without challenge. This poster provides details on the assessment analyses conducted on the 2021 Libraries Skills Week event and how the insights informed future event and marketing strategies. We hope that our findings will provide the tools for librarians to undertake their own event assessments as they explore how to meet the changing needs of their communities to find balance in the new normal. Poster Location #4 Presenters: Daria Orlowska, Western Michigan University Juliana Espinosa, University of Houston Clear Lake Sara Volmering, Western Michigan University
From Junk Drawers to Desk Drawers: Partnership to Meet Student Needs and Reduce Waste of Office Supplies In 2022 there were over 200 requests from students for basic office supplies. The library partnered with the sustainability office to collect office supplies during move-out week to supply students in an open cabinet adjacent to the service desk. This project destigmatizes the process of asking for supplies by making them openly accessible, decreases work time dedicated to the distribution and collection of supplies, reduces waste, and helps students get the basic supplies they need. Poster Location #5 Presenters: LuMarie Guth, Western Michigan University Jon Scherger, Western Michigan University Brandon Meissner, Western Michigan University
How to Access Michigan Supreme Court Records & Briefs Online Briefs, motions and other pleadings in cases heard by the Michigan Supreme Court are now accessible online. For over a decade, the Court has posted current pleadings on its website. More recently, a grant-funded digitization project changed the research landscape by providing online access to substantial print collections of 19th and 20th century pleadings. This poster offers tips and strategies for finding current and historical pleadings effectively. Poster Location #6 Presenters: Virginia Thomas, Wayne State University Kathryn Polgar, Wayne State University
Improving Library Information for International Students: A Hybrid Internship Would you like to better understand student perspectives to improve your library guides? Do you want to know more about your international students’ information needs?
This poster presentation will share the experience of a public research institution's student engagement program. In particular it will present a successful hybrid internship project during which two students designed and implemented an assessment plan about the needs of international students that resulted in more pertinent information on the library website. Poster Location #7 Presenters: Gabriel Duque, University of Michigan Xuechan Dai, University of Michigan Cecilia Ledezma, University of Michigan
It's time to dig deep: Preparing undergraduates for research in the archives This poster presentation will look at the presenter's approach and experiences with archival instruction in the one-shot session format. Poster Location #8 Presenter: Andrea McMillan, Michigan State University
Riding a New Library System Wave: Incorporating E-Resource Accessibility Information In our university library, we have begun making information about the accessibility of our electronic resources (e-resources) viewable in our new library system, FOLIO, and our public catalog. This poster details what information we have chosen to display and how we use FOLIO to make it available. We also detail the ways in which library workers and library patrons can make use of this information. Poster Location #9 Presenters: Zoë McLaughlin, Michigan State University Austin Deneau, Michigan State University Heidi Schroeder, Michigan State University
Testing the Waters: Creating a Data Management Plan Using AI This poster presentation will show the results of experimentation with ChatGPT and the DMPTool to develop a data management plan in accordance with the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan requirements. This poster will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of using ChatGPT versus using the DMPTool when writing a data management plan, and scenarios a researcher may want to explore when developing their own Data Management and Sharing Plan. Poster Location #10 Presenters: Jessica Sender, Michigan State University Amanda Tickner, Michigan State University
The Lived Experiences of Women Academic Library Deans with Workplace Networking: A Phenomenological Study Explore the workplace networking experiences of women library deans. This poster will highlight how the study participants’ social identities influenced their workplace networking experiences. Workplace networking skills are essential for librarians in all jobs, at all levels, and from all demographic backgrounds. Although this study focused on women library deans, all library employees regardless of their job or interest in leadership would benefit from developing effective workplace networks within their libraries and institutions. Poster Location #11 Presenter: Kathy Irwin, Central Michigan University
When Instruction Librarians Say No Instruction librarians, by definition, teach. What about when they want to, must, or should say no to an instruction opportunity?This poster will outline the relevant literature before representing the results of a survey of American and Canadian instruction librarians who have--or have not--said no to an instruction opportunity in order to demonstrate who says no and why. Poster Location #12 Presenter: Anna White, Grand Valley State University