2020-2021 Election results

The votes have been tallied, and we are happy to announce our MiALA leadership for the 2020-2021 year! For short biographies and photos, please visit https://miala.org/2020-21_election_results.php
2020-2021 MiALA Board of Directors
President: Cynthia Simpson
Vice President: Kate Langan
Past-President: Beth Martin
Secretary: Gina Bolger
Treasurer: Rachel Minkin
Publicly Funded University Representatives
Emilia Marcyk
Elaine Meyer
Private University Representatives
David Malone
Brenna Wade
Community College Representatives
Darlene Johnson-Bignotti
Bethany Kennedy
Interest Group Coordination Council
Carin Graves (year two of a two-year term)
Grace Haynes (year two of a two-year term)
Denise Leyton (year one of a two-year term)
Jessica Shuck (year one of a two-year term)(appointed by the board to fill open position)
Juliana Espinosa (one-year term)
Clayton Hayes (one-year term)
The bylaws amendment to add Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Accessibility (IDEA) committee as a standing committee passed.
Information on committees will be announced shortly.